The Wajukuu MakerSpace project, initiated by the renowned artist collective, aimed to offer young people in the Lunga Lunga slum in Nairobi new perspectives and earning opportunities.The space, accessible to all residents of Lunga Lunga for a small rent, will not only offer material resources in the future, but will also continue to provide educational opportunities in the future thanks to the trained multipliers.
What does Wajukuu mean by Maker Space?
“A FabLab, short for Fabrication Laboratory, often referred to as a MakerSpace, is an open workshop.Its main goal is to provide private individuals and small businesses with access to modern manufacturing processes.”The core principle is to overcome challenges together and share the knowledge we have acquired.
Wajukuu has adapted the concept to local conditions and needs in order to meet local needs at the MakerSpace to makes a valuable contribution to educational equity through open and barrier-free access to these resources since many of the modern analogue and digital tools available in such workshops are often prohibitively expensive for individuals or small businesses. By sharing these tools in a MakerSpace, the cost is shared, making it easier for many to access and use.
At Wajukuu Maker Space, users get access to a variety of tools and tools, both digital and analog. This includes handicraft equipment such as circular saws, welding machines and cordless screwdrivers, and also cameras and lighting for media production, as well as laptops for research, text, calculation and visualization purposes.The project addresses widespread unemployment, the lack of earning opportunities and education, and offers an alternative to the often chosen paths of negative vices.The aim is to give young people the opportunity to lead a self-determined life and to use their creative potentials to earn a living and contribute to the development of their community.Under Makerspace through Design thinking workshop training courses were started to train a wide range of skills and competencies.